Thursday, June 16, 2016

1 month old!

I cant even believe Conley has been part of our family for one month! The time has flown by, but it has also felt like he has been part of our lives for years. I guess the newborn phase will do that to a person.

When people ask, I have told them that the second kid seems to be "easier" than the first. Dont get me wrong, it is still challenging to get up in the middle of the night and lose sleep, but since my labor and delivery was so much less time consuming than the first time around, I have felt pretty refreshed and rested most days. With the exception of 2-3 days, I have made sure to get a nap in from 2p-4p (when Karsen naps) and I have also made sure to go to bed for the night between 8p-9p. That has helped me "stay ahead" of the exhaustion. There have been a few rough days as of late, where I am quickly reminded of the exhaustion, but luckily I can usually get through it with a nap or an early bedtime.

The last month has been quite fun and it is so interesting to see how different Conley is from Karsen, in terms of this newborn stage. Karsen liked sleeping at an angle in the swing...Conley couldnt care less. He has actually slept flat on his back from day one and seems to like it! We started off our time at home with me sleeping in the spare room with Conley in the pack n play. After a couple weeks of that, I decided we needed to move Conley to his crib in his own room. With Conley in the room with me, I heard every little noise he was making and would wake up to check on him. A few times, I even got up and got Conley up to feed him and he clearly wasnt interested in eating. UGH! Moving him to his own room has really helped both of us, get some better sleep!

The biggest adjustment for me has come over the last week and a half...all of the day-in/day-out help is gone and it is just me and the two boys! I realized quick that I cant hold Conley as much as he wanted to be held...and I cant entertain Karsen as much as I used to, or would like to. My answer for not holding Conley is by getting a baby carrier so I can wear him around the house. I borrowed one from a friend and bought one on the shop and swap website before Conley was born and didnt like EITHER I bought another one on the shop and swap and LOVE it! Problem solved there!

 I am still trying to figure out how to keep Karsen entertained. Conley has been really good about taking long naps and even better that I can lay him down in his crib! That has given me time to hang out with Karsen one-on-one. I hope to get a better balance of that as the summer progresses.

We celebrated Karsens second birthday a few weeks after Conley was born. Below are some pics.

Enough talk. Here are some pics from the first month!

Here is Conley's 1 month pic! He weighs 11 pounds 15 ounces. He has also started sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night so mom is getting some good sleep too!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Conley Thomas is here!

*** I started writing this on Wednesday, May pretend like you are reading it then!

I am writing this from the hospital room listening to the sweet sounds of Conley as he squeaks and coos in his sleep. What a sweet boy!

Sunday, May 15th was spent doing quite a few last minute things around the house, as well as getting out to celebrate Dan's birthday! Bruce, Karsen and I started off Sunday morning by cleaning up some last minute rooms of the house. My priority this day was to clean off the granite counter tops in the kitchen, and then mop the wood floor in the kitchen and front entry hallway. Of course if you are slightly OCD like me, you want the counter tops cleaned first so any food that may hit the floor, will get mopped up. I had been feeling the effects of a heavy belly for a few weeks, so a task as simple as wiping down the counters ended up taking longer than I thought. I could only work for about 10 minutes before I had to go sit for 5 and give my aching hips a break. Once that was done, it was time to get ready to head downtown and spend some time bar hoping with Kinsley, Dan, and their friends celebrating Dans birthday! Sadly, we didnt end up hoping with them...we made it to one bar and then headed home. It was quite a good time and Bruce and I were already talking about the next time we will head downtown to check those other places. When we got home, I wanted to mop and I knew it would take quite a while so the earlier I could get started, the better! Bruce took Karsen outside to play and I started getting to work. Just like with the counter tops, I could only mop for about 5 minutes, then I took a 5 minute break. Back and forth until the floors were done! I felt so accomplished and more than anything, I felt like I could bring a baby home from the hospital without having to worry about getting the house clean for guests. Whew! 

I finally sat down around 6p to kick up my feet and relax. Well, I hardly relaxed. I kept trying to get comfortable but just couldnt quite find the magic spot, so by 8p I told Bruce I was going to head upstairs to lay down. Maybe being able to stretch out would help me get comfy. It took me a while to fall asleep but I was out around 10p. Little did I know...the excitement was just about to begin! I was woken up around 12:30a with some mild cramping but truly thought nothing of it. I knew it had to be SOMETHING though because I had a heck of time trying to fall back asleep. Around 1:30a, the cramping was getting a little more intense so I decided to start tracking them. I tracked for the next hour...but throughout that hour, I realized that this baby may be on the way, so I called my mom to tell her that we may need to be heading to the hospital. She got up, and started to head our direction. In the mean time, I called the on call nurse at my OB office and she said "Well, it sounds like you are having contractions, but I bet you have an hour or two before you need to be at the hospital, so take your time." After getting off the phone with her, I got in the shower and tried to make as little noise as possible so Bruce could continue to sleep. It was 3a at this point, but of course, he woke up when I turned the water on. He says "Is everything ok?" Another contraction hit so I just kind of stood there bent over and breathed through it. Once it passed I said "I think its time to go to the hospital." Bruce said "Oh...ok!" He was clearly still trying to wake up because he said "Is that clock right? It's 3 am?" I said "yes!" He thought it was just time to wake up and get ready for the day. HA! Hardly! 

So I get in the shower, and Bruce gets some things together. Lucky for me, I already had my hospital bag packed and ready to go. Being "seasoned" at this, we both realized we didnt need to pack nearly the amount of stuff we packed the first time. Haha. I got out of the shower, dressed and by the time I got downstairs, mom had arrived at the house. At this time, my contractions were a lot closer together! How could this be?! With Karsen, my water broke and contractions were 20 minutes apart! I had all kinds of time! This time, I dont remember my water breaking, I was woken up with contractions 5 minutes apart, and within 2 hours, they were getting much more intense and closer together. This labor was the polar opposite of my labor with Karsen. I thought I had a lot more time, but by the time we got in the CRV to head to the hospital, I couldnt even sit in the seat...the contractions were so painful so I was bracing myself through the pain. 

We got to the hospital right at 4a and got checked in. Once I was in triage, I got a gown on and they checked my cervix. I didnt know what to expect but she looked up and said "She is at an 8" and I said "WHAT?! 8 centimeters?!" She said "Yes! This baby is coming soon!" It took me ALL. DAY. LONG. to get to an 8 with Karsen. I just assumed it would take me a while to do the same with Conley. HA! Not at all. The nurse said "Well, you are scheduled for a C section tomorrow. You still want us to take him via C Sect or you want to try for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) this time?" I said "I still want a C section." I was told by the last doc that the way my pelvis was shaped that there was no way to get a baby through the opening unless it was a 5 pound kid. With all the extra weight I was carrying, I KNEW Conley wasnt gonna be no 5 pounds. I wasnt about to agree to a VBAC to just run into the same problem. I wanted to medication to mask the contraction pain, and I wanted to have a baby quick. Once I decided on a C sect (they asked me 3 times hoping Id probably change my mind) they started moving A LOT faster. The anesthesiologist came in, forced me to relive Karsen's birth (remember how the epidural slipped could I forget) and then said "I will make sure that doesnt happen this time. Then, a few nurses came in to do other stuff, and finally the on call doc made his way in. The whole gang was here and ready. They wheeled me down the hall to the OR and I transferred myself to the table. Mind you, painful contractions the entire time. I have a high pain tolerance but DAMN...I was ready for some medicine. The anesthesiologist got to work getting the catheter in and once the juice started flowing, I could feel my legs start to go numb and it was MAGIC! With the lower 2/3 of my body lifeless, the nurses swung my legs around and they got all the stuff ready for the procedure. Bruce came in all gowned up too, and we were officially ready to have a baby. What an amazing experience to be AWAKE for the birth this time, and be able to hold Bruce's hand through it all made all the difference in the world. They got the surgery started around 5:10a and by 5:28a we heard Conley's first cry! Turn away now if this is too graphic, but I loved seeing them hold Conley over the draping covered in the uterine goo, and screaming his head off. I started to cry. What an amazing sight! I was in love immediately. I never had that feeling with Karsen due to all of the unfortunate circumstances. I remember saying "thank you" to the anesthesiologist not for the pain management, but for his ability to make the spinal block take proper affect so I could be awake. So great!

From there, we were wheeled into the recovery room to begin our 15 minute check-ins. Conley was doing great. Hanging out with dad and making an occasional noise. I nursed him a few times and he did a great job. After about an hour, I was ready to be in our mother baby room, but they always want to watch patients for 2 hours. Conley got his first bath and dad and I were texting family and friends like crazy to let them know of all the excitement!

After the 2 hours passed, we were heading upstairs. Our room was great although the view left something to be desired...but what did I care?! I had a super cute baby to stare at!

Bruce, Conley and I spent the morning getting situated in the room and then Bruce left to go pick up Karsen so he could meet his baby brother. When Karsen and Bruce got back, Karsen was clearly more interested in the fun stuff in the hospital room and could give two licks about Conley. Bruce even tried to lay Conley in Karsen's lap and Karsen turned away saying "Nooooo." We certainly werent going to force it.

Grandma and Grandpa showed up about an hour later and gave Conley LOTS of love. They then took Karsen back to their house so we could relax the rest of the afternoon. When Karsen came back later that evening, he was much more receptive to baby brother and wanted to hold him!

It has been a great couple of days at the hospital, but I am ready to get home. Conley has been such a great baby already. I look forward to the summer home with both my boys!